21.10.2012 17:32
V roce 2012 nás podpořila:
24. 9. 2012
What did you do over the summer?
Back to travelling – theme play – at the hotel, in a restaurant, at the station)
1. 10. 2012
Article – Practical tips for your stay in Britain – reading, translating, listening
PET –...
21.10.2012 17:30
V roce 2012 nás podpořila:
23. 1. 2012
Exercises – Listening and reading – Bridge 05-06
30. 1. 2012
Unit 12
Grammar – Present Perfect Tense + exercises
IT Crowd – Bad Boys (short part of the episode in original version)
6. 2. 2012
Reading an...
21.10.2012 17:28
3. 10. 2011
Game – „kufr“
Holiday – the best and the worst experience
Reading – Fish, Chips & Robin Hood
10. 10. 2011
Holiday Habits 111/4 – listening, translation
Grammar – Future expressed by Present Continuous tense 114/6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5
Song – Sound of...
21.10.2012 17:25
18. 4. 2011
Present tenses – repetition; exercises – 89/5; 90/9; 91/7.5
Reading article – Don´t Get Fooled
Homework – flower crossword
2. 5. 2011
Presentation on Vietnam
Travelling vocabulary
Homework 90/7.3
9. 5. 2011
Unit 8 – Shopping, exercises 94/ 1, 1.2, 95/3.1
Game – What are...
21.10.2012 17:22
25. 10. 2010
Holiday – slovní zásoba + dialogy; active listening; hra – známé osobnosti
8. 11. 2010
Hra z učebnice Eurolingua English 1 – opakování; opposites – cvičení
15. 11. 2010
Opakování – tvorba otázek +...
21.10.2012 17:21
15. 2. 2010
Diskuse na téma Childhood: napsat seznam slov, které si představíme pod pojmem dětství; diskuse na otázky: What is your earliest memory? How old were you at the time?; Were you naughty as a child? What´s the naughtiest thing you did?; What are the advantages and disadvatages of being...
21.10.2012 17:18
5. 10. 09
Opakování – sloveso to be, zápor, otázka; plnovýznamová slovesa (to work, to live, etc.), zápor, otázka (present simple tense).
Online cvičení k probíraným...